Friday, October 15, 2010

Professional Empathy Service

It’s getting close to election time, and that means some important decisions have to be made. I’m not going to pump up or knock down any candidates, nor am I about to launch into any political agenda, but I do have a last-minute proposal that I feel needs to be put on the ballot. Just as many countries have compulsory military service, the United States should implement government-mandated professional empathy service.

“Professional empathy service? What the crap is that?” you may be asking. Well, I’m glad you may have asked. Professional empathy service entails spending a year working in several different occupations to gain appreciation for the work that people do everyday. The year would be broken up into three four-month periods during which people would work in one of three fields: blue-collar work, custodial work, and customer service. People would learn what workers in these fields experience on a daily basis, as well as learn to empathize with a greater portion of society in general.

Actually, forget putting it to a vote—let’s just make it law. A program such as this would reduce the number of miserable bastards in the country, and if it catches on elsewhere, reduce their numbers around the world.


Shark said...

I like it. Tasting gruel makes you appreciate Kalbi.

Sandman Moon said...

Amen! I think this should be required of all people, especially our business/political leaders. To give a microcosmic example... when I worked at a used bookstore, we were each assigned to specific sections that rotated every few months. You would work in the kids' section, then the romance novels, then the business books, then the DVD's, then the collectibles. After a couple of years, you understood every aspect of how the store ran. It also exposed you to books that you might snobbishly decide were not "your genre". I think I probably read a book from almost every section I worked in at that store. This kind of holistic learning could do so much to enrich our society if it were applied on a broader scale!

Minima Sapala said...

This is a kick-ass idea! It reminded me of how my attitude toward the police has changed in recent years. I used to feel very intimidated by the police and always felt as if they were judging me when we came into contact. Then I read a book on the stress and trauma of a career in social service, and how many cops feel really badly about the way people treat them (averting their eyes, calling them names, etc.).

After reading that book I made it a point to consider that police officers are human beings with feelings too.

This post motivates me to choose another profession out of my line of preference and learn something about it, maybe the military?

Heather Jones said...

I find it so hard to try and vote when I see so many slam ads by all parties. Its just so stupid and juvenile to me!! I hate it and makes my decision making so much harder because I feel that if you slam, maybe you really aren't good for your word...I don't know.

Anyway I am following you from Tag Along Tuesday Blog Hop.

Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

Chanda Wilkin said...

Hello I am a new follower from the TTA blog hop! Would love to have you follow me back!

and I agree with the lady before me, I hate seeing the 'one up' and 'you suck' political campaigns. I don't want to hear what the other guy is going to do wrong. I want to hear what you are going to do right!

Eliz Frank said...

Not such a bad idea ... if it really makes us develop empathy though I doubt it.
I am now following you from Survey Junkie's blog hop.
Have a great week!

Junneth said...

I agree with you on urging the US implementing government-mandated professional empathy service. I am your new follower!

David said...

new follower from fmbt

LP said...

new follower... would love it if you follow me back... :)

Heather said...

I just may catch on!

Lisa C. said...

hhhhhhmmmmmmmm I think it's a great idea... Found ya through a blog hop.. Just swinging by... newest follower ... Happy Hopping.. !!

Shawn said...

What a fantastic idea! I work in a field that used to be respected and now clients do not have empathy for the demanding and very stressful work that we do.
I am your newest follower from the Tuesday Hop!